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et kõik, millest Sa unistad saab teoks. Lihtsalt kui kiirelt Sa seda enda ellu tõmbad..kutsud..soovid, see sõltubki just Sinust. Loeb kindlasti ka see, millest Sa igapäevaselt kõva häälega räägid, kuidas Sa endaga räägid, mida Sa universumile eitad. Kui Sa räägid ma ei taha seda ja ma ei taha toda, siis seda Sa just tavaliselt saadki. Ole positiivne, räägi oleviku vormis. Mul on see, mul on too.. Tee endale plaanid, visionboard, visualiseeri igapäevaselt. Manifesteeri! Enda ja oma kodu ning keskkonna puhastamisel, õigel viisil manifesteerimisel ning end heade energiatega laadimisel on suur jõud! Meie sellel ettevõtmisel usume sellesse, sest meid endid on see endasi kandnud.

Live in your own bubble..

Enjoy your home, your job – live in your own pink bubble. Or choose your own suitable colour to bubble. It's your life and you should live it in ultimate happiness. Suddenly you see that all negative around you is gone and also your loved ones are happier. We can't make others happy with all our actions, but we can take care of ourselves with the best way possible. Therefore, cleanse yourself and your home when you feel the need of it. If some negative person has talked to you or visited you - cleanse, cleanse, cleanse! You'll feel instantly better, fresh and free! Our favorites are Dragon's blood incense, Palo Santo, Sage and definitely Chandan incense. Choose that, what you feel the best with.
Send away all the bad energy and invite back your power. Hold crystals in your hand, keep the contact with your skin, definitely cleanse your crystals and make them charge in the moonlight during the full moon. Also do a moon water and water your flowers with it. Purchase crystals just when you need something.. Always use your intuition for choosing a new crystal. Trust yourself.
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